The activities conducted by the Third Mission and Technology Transfer Office support the University in combining scientific research, high quality training and knowledge sharing, through the development of promotion projects, also through insertion into cultural circuits, aimed at enhancing and disseminating the scientific and cultural production of the University, the management and promotion of Intellectual Property and the University patent portfolio, the creation, recognition and monitoring of University spin-off companies, the management of the network with the industrial world in order to strengthen collaboration with SMEs and the main players in the area, as well as with large industrial groups.

In particular, the Office performs the following functions:

  • Promotion of the interaction between the University Research Structures and the business world also through the identification, monitoring and updating of the database relating to the technological skills that the University as a whole expresses and is able to offer;
  • Relations with external actors aimed at promoting strategic collaborations and joint initiatives in the field of innovation and technology transfer;

  • Development of University actions aimed at intercepting the research and technology demand of the productive world;

  • Development of networking activities with other Technology Transfer Offices of Italian universities and national and international incubators;

  • Support for the enhancement of the skills of Research Groups within the Business System;

  • Adoption of all administrative and technical documents, possibly in collaboration with the other University Offices and Research Structures, aimed at the generation of companies based on technologies and skills developed in the University, and definition of development strategies with particular reference to spin off;

  • Adoption of all administrative and technical acts, possibly in collaboration with the other University Offices and with the Research Structures, aimed at the protection and enhancement of intellectual property (such as copyright and patents), and of products of the University research.