Fields of action

The Third Mission activities are highly collaborative, with the participation of all the Departments of the University, and are characterized by sharing and co-creation.


Public engagement

Public engagement refers to initiatives aimed at non-academic public, designed to sharing, training and research and establishing stable relationships of listening, dialogue and collaboration.


The University of Naples Federico II provides a direct contribution to the community, aimed on the one hand at favoring the cultural and economic growth of the territory and on the other hand to manage and enhance the cultural heritage of the country.


The University of Naples Federico II supports social inclusion initiatives and offers support services for students, useful for facing the critical moments of the academic career and for developing skills.

LifeLong Learning

The University of Naples Federico II is the place dedicated to training, not only for its students, but also for non-traditional users to face the continuous changes in the world of work.

Imprenditorialità e Proprietà Intellettuale
Entrepreneurship and Intellectual property

The management and enhancement of intellectual property, or the set of activities that tend to protect the results of human inventiveness and ingenuity, is one of the fundamental activities for the Third Mission of the Federico II University of Naples.

Prestazioni di servizi
Service Provision

Third-party activities are identified in the provision of innovative know-how, experience and professionalism of teachers and researchers to companies, public bodies and professionals.


The University of Naples Federico II promotes the dissemination of culture and good sustainability practices, both inside and outside the University. For this purpose, it is an active member of the Network of Universities for Sustainable Development.

Health & Wellness

The protection of health and well-being is one of the missions of the University of Naples Federico II, pursued through a large and diversified portfolio of initiatives aimed at preventing disease and improving the quality of life.